How to accelerate testing with in-sprint automation
To keep test automation from blocking timely releases, testers can enable in-sprint automation with BDD and TDD at the Unit, API, and UI level.
To keep test automation from blocking timely releases, testers can enable in-sprint automation with BDD and TDD at the Unit, API, and UI level.
After searching for a solution, Bosch’s Thermo Technology division adopted Xray as their test management tool in order to streamline their QA processes and ensure that every release delivers the highest quality.
On April 2nd, TechWell hosted a webinar on Exploratory Testing Essentials with Maaret Pyhäjärvi (F-Secure) and Sergio Freire (Xray). Maaret talked about how finding the Essentials of Exploratory Testing is going back to its roots as skilled multidisciplinary testing including programming as a tool. The quality and quantity of questions called for going back specifically … Continued
Atlassian announced today that Xray (Xpand IT) has received Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019 Fastest Cloud Growth for their outstanding contribution and achievements during the calendar year 2019. This includes exceptional efforts in developing new business, thought leadership, and products and services that complement Atlassian. Xray (Xpand IT) was one of 6 Marketplace Vendor … Continued
Learn how a medical device manufacturer uses Xray to ensure full requirements traceability, optimize test reporting time and meet critical FDA regulations.